
Jackson area report

Here's a report i put up on the jack dennis website a few days ago. Its just a summary of some jackson area fishing reports.

The new snow and cloudy weather this past week made fishing very difficult. If you could stand wading in a snowstorm you could pick up a few fish but most residents in the valley spent their time skiing. This week has been a different story, with some very warm temperatures and nice sunny days in the valley. Fishing on the Snake has been fantastic from about 11am till 4pm with hatches of midges and good nymphing to be had. If you can fish a streamer slow and deep you can pick up some really nice fish anytime of day on the snake. There's been some great fishing up near Jackson Lake Dam for some nice cutties and lots of 18-20in lake trout that have come down through the dam into the river. The South Fork and Henry's fork in Idaho have been fishing well with both nymphs and streamers. Its no longer winter over there and we're fulling into spring fishing. The fish in both those rivers are starting to wake up and becoming more active as the rainbow spawn approaches. Down in the pinedale region the fishing is still slow but the rewards can be very large. You can't expect to catch a lot of fish down there this time of year but if you streamer fish hard or throw some big nymphs you can be rewarded with a big tug.
With our low snowpack this year we're going to have a nice and early season with some great fishing coming in June and early July. This will be a nice change from the past few years when we had to wait until mid July to start fishing many of our favorite rivers. I've just got one last business plug... we are running a spring special this year where we're only charging $350 for a full day on the Snake, that's down from the summer rate of $475 so its a pretty significant saving for a good fishing day. Keep your eyes on the weather forecast for a warm sunny day and let Bruce know if you're interested in going fishing. I personally will be heading to Honduras for a month of fishing here but i'll be back in mid-May and i'll be ready to do some trout fishing when i do get back. I hope everyone has a good spring, wherever you spend the spring, and I hope you spend some time fishing this spring because it can be some of the best fishing of the year.

Neil Chamberlin
Jack Dennis Fishing Guide

P.S. If you want to follow my trip in central america you can check out www.jhtrout.com for updates. I'll try and update as much as possible but it could be tough.