Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope everyone had a good new year. I personally did not get to do any fishing or skiing, but I did do a lot of family related traveling. The skiing is finally starting to get a little better around here. We just had a storm roll through and dump 3 feet of snow on us. This has helped to improve the skiing, but has made the avalanche conditions extremely dangerous.
Here are a few pictures from the flight back up to Jackson. I've flown into a lot of different airports around the world but I have to say that Jackson's has to be one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I took some pictures of the Tetons, one of the snake river, one of Jackson Lake, and one of a special little fishing location that I like to go to in the summer. If you can figure out what piece of water this picture shows you can find some big browns that hardly ever see any pressure.
Hopefully I'll get some more skiing and fishing in here soon and will be able to post a little more often.